Handout Rounds
Our handout rounds cover a huge variety of subjects and come in a number of formats. Simply print them out and hand them out to teams at the start of the quiz and they can puzzle over them until you collect them in later on.
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Movie Songs
The aim of this pub quiz handout round is to identify the 15 films in which the 15 given songs first..
Cocktail Mix Up
This pub quiz handout round features sets of ingredients for 20 different cocktails along with the n..
Mona Lisa Mix Up
This entertaining pub quiz picture round features 10 versions of the famous Mona Lisa painting, but ..
Celebrity Zombies 2
Especially suitable for a quiz to be hosted on or around Halloween, this entertaining picture round ..
Collective Nouns
This pub quiz handout round features a list of 15 phrases featuring collective nouns ("A leap of..."..
Keyboard Letters
This is a straightforward pub quiz handout round featuring an image of a keyboard, but where all the..
Food And Drink Story 2
Another in our series of popular story rounds, this pub quiz handout round features a story with a 2..
US TV Show Settings 2
The second in our series of U.S. TV Show Settings rounds, this pub quiz handout round features the n..
Guess Who - Sexiest Women
This pub quiz picture round features 10 photos of women who were voted in the top 20 of FHM's 100 se..
Lyrics - Birds
This pub quiz handout round features 15 extracts of lyrics from famous songs, all of which have a ty..
Movie Posters 2
The second in our series of Movie Posters rounds, this pub quiz picture round features 10 more extra..
Football Team Mascots
This pub quiz handout round features a list of the names of mascots for 15 English football teams. T..
Famous People From History
This pub quiz picture round features 10 famous faces from history, with the aim for teams in your qu..
Funny Movie Anagrams
This pub quiz handout round features 15 phrases to be unscrambled by teams to produce the names of 1..
TV Story
Another in our series of popular story rounds, this pub quiz handout round features a story with a 2..