General Subjects 260
- Available for instant download
This pack of pub quiz questions features 10 high quality questions each on the following 5 subjects...
Art and Literature
TV and Films
Sport and Games
Science and Nature
A couple of example questions from these rounds are as follows...
- In 1937, a German passenger airship caught fire, killing 36 people, in what became known as the Hindenburg disaster. What gas was this airship filled with?
- "Here comes a chopper to chop off your head" is a line from which nursery rhyme?
There are also two tie-breaker questions included that can be used in the event of two or more teams having the same score at the end of the quiz where a very difficult question is given that needs a numeric answer (e.g. "In what year was sliced bread first sold?"). The teams involved in the tie break can then write their answers on a blank piece of paper and hand them to you and whoever is closest wins the quiz.
While you could use all of this material on its own for your quiz, we recommend that you only use a few of these rounds in each quiz you do and that the rest is made up of handout rounds, plus a mix of other question and answer rounds, such as a Connections round, an Initial Letter Link round and a Double or Quits round. You can find plenty of handout rounds and question and answer packs on this site.
Note that these quiz rounds already appear in Weekly Quizzes 653, 654 and 655. If you would prefer to buy pub quiz packs complete with a handout round, a variety of other question and answer rounds, plus specially designed answer sheets for teams to write their answers on, then please visit our Complete Quizzes section. If, however, you prefer to compile quizzes to your own format and are looking for extra rounds to use in this, then this quiz pack will hopefully be of use to you.
If you buy this quiz pack, we will give you access to download a pdf file. This contains all of the questions and answers for all of the rounds in this pack. You might also be interested in our free answer sheets for teams to write their answers on as you read the questions.
You probably already have everything you need to access and use these rounds in your quiz, but you might want to check our requirements page to make sure.
This product was added to our site in March 2019.
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