Lyrics Quizzes
Handout rounds based around lyrics from songs.
Handout rounds based around lyrics from songs.
This handout round features 20 extracts of lyrics from famous songs which were hits for Irish artist..
This handout round features 20 extracts of lyrics from famous songs, where the title of the song is ..
Especially suitable around Christmas time, this handout round features 20 extracts of lyri..
This quiz round features 20 extracts of lyrics from famous songs, all of which share their title wit..
This quiz round features 18 extracts of lyrics from famous songs, all of which have the names of cit..
This quiz round features 20 first lines from songs which have been used as theme tunes to 20 famous ..
This quiz round features 20 lyrics from songs from famous TV adverts from past and present and the a..
This quiz round features 20 first lines from songs, all of which have girls names in the title and t..