Lyrics - TV Shows 2
- Available for instant download
The second in our series of TV theme song lyrics rounds, this pub quiz handout round features 15 extracts of lyrics from songs that have been used as theme songs to well known TV shows. For example, the lyric "On my way to where the air is sweet" is taken from the theme song to the TV show Sesame Street.
A number of these lyrics should be fairly easy to identify so that most teams can get up and running on this round quickly, but most teams should be kept busy with this quiz round for a while as there are also a few which keep teams guessing for some time.
The information in this quiz round could be used to make up standard question and answer rounds, where the quiz-master asks questions aloud and the teams write their answers on blank answer sheets, but we recommended that this is used as a handout round. For more information on handout rounds and our recommended use for them in quizzes click here
Please note that this handout round also appears in Weekly Quiz 159. If you would prefer to purchase our pre-compiled full weekly quizzes, then click here, where you can find quizzes with a handout round, 2 rounds on general subjects, a specialist subject round, a connections round, an initial letter link round, and a stick or twist round, as well as professionally designed answer sheets and full instructions on how to run your quiz. If, however, you prefer to use your own format for your quizzes, then this handout round should help towards creating an entertaining and challenging quiz.
If you buy this handout round, we will give you access to pdf files you can download. Two of these will be for the main handout sheet - one as illustrated above, and one in a more plain format. The third sheet will contain the answers. You probably already have everything you need to access and use these rounds in your quiz, but you might want to check our requirements page to make sure.
This product was added to our site in September 2009.
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