Handout Rounds
Our handout rounds cover a huge variety of subjects and come in a number of formats. Simply print them out and hand them out to teams at the start of the quiz and they can puzzle over them until you collect them in later on.
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Greatest Britons Wipeout
This is a straightforward pub quiz handout round based around BBC's poll from 2002 to find the 100 G..
Guess Who 34
Another in our popular series of Guess Who picture quizzes, this round is made up of 10 high quality..
Country Anagrams
This pub quiz handout round features 15 phrases for teams to unscramble and try to come up with the ..
Movie Posters - 1980s
This pub quiz picture round features extracts from posters that were used to advertise 10 well known..
Ludicrous Laws
This pub quiz handout round is based around a poll where members of the public were given a list of ..
Author Anagrams
This pub quiz handout round features a list of 15 phrases for teams to unscramble and come up with t..
Egg Heads 2
The second in our series of Egg Heads rounds, this pub quiz picture round features an image of a boi..
Song Title Brackets
This pub quiz handout round features the bracketed parts of 15 song titles that have all reached num..
Guess Who 33
Another in our series of Guess Who picture quizzes, this round is made up of 10 high quality photos ..
Missing Letters - Novels
This pub quiz handout round features the titles of 15 famous novels, but where all vowels, spaces an..
Greek Gods And Goddesses
This pub quiz handout round features a list of 15 Gods and Goddesses from Greek mythology (Aphrodite..
This pub quiz round features photos of 10 different types of fruit along with the names of these fru..
Best Picture Oscar Anagrams
This pub quiz handout round features 15 phrases for teams to try to unscramble and come up with the ..
Guess Who - Famous Irish People
This pub quiz picture round features 10 photos of 10 famous Irish people. The aim for teams in your ..
Movie Story 2
Another in our highly entertaining "story" series, this pub quiz handout round features a story with..