• Song Title Brackets

Song Title Brackets

  • Available for instant download
  • £0.95

This pub quiz handout round features the bracketed parts of 15 song titles that have all reached number one in the UK singles charts. The aim for teams in your quiz is to give the main parts of the titles that either come before or after the bracketed parts, plus the names of the acts who had hits with them. For example, the correct answer to "(Playing With My Heart)" is "There Must Be An Angel" by Eurythmics.

As in the example above, quite a few of these are fairly straightforward, so most teams in your quiz should be able to score highly in this round. However, there are a few song titles that may take some puzzling over, and there are also a few cases where teams may be able to work out the song titles, but struggle to remember the acts who had hits with them.

While the information in this round could be used to make up standard question and answer rounds (where the quiz-master asks questions aloud and the teams write the answers on blank answer sheets) it is recommended that this is used in a quiz as a handout round. For more information on handout rounds and our recommended use for them in quizzes click here

If you buy this handout round, we will give you access to pdf files you can download. Two of these will be for the main handout sheet - one as illustrated above, and one in a more plain format. The third sheet will contain the answers. You probably already have everything you need to access and use these rounds in your quiz, but you might want to check our requirements page to make sure.

This product was added to our site in March 2010.

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