Match Up Quizzes

Handout rounds where teams have to pick their answers from a mixed-up list.

Match Up Quizzes
Handout rounds where teams have to pick their answers from a mixed-up list.

Film Narrator Match Up
Film Narrator Match Up

This pub quiz handout round lists 15 well known films, including Barbie, Ted and The Shawshank Redem..



This picture round features photos of 15 terrier dog breeds, including a Border Terrier, a Scottish ..


Movie Presidents
Movie Presidents

This pub quiz handout round features a list of 15 films, such as Mars Attacks, Love Actually and Nig..


Fictional Characters' Middle Names
Fictional Characters' Middle Names

This pub quiz handout round features a list of 20 famous fictional characters, including Rodney Trot..


Movie Settings - US States
Movie Settings - US States

This pub quiz handout round features a list of 15 films, such as Home Alone, Sunset Boulevard, and B..


Medical Suffixes
Medical Suffixes

The aim of this pub quiz handout round is to match up 15 medical suffixes, such as "-algia", "-ectom..


Cocktail Ingredients
Cocktail Ingredients

This pub quiz handout round features a list of 15 cocktails, along with the recipes for them, but wi..


2024 Manifestos
2024 Manifestos

This pub quiz handout round lists 15 quotes from political parties' manifestos for the 2024 general ..


TV Narrators
TV Narrators

This pub quiz handout round features a list of 15 TV shows, including The Secret Life Of The Zoo, Am..


Cameo Roles 2
Cameo Roles 2

This pub quiz handout round features a list of 15 cameo roles such as "Captain Teague... Pirates Of ..


TV Debut Match Up
TV Debut Match Up

This pub quiz handout round lists 15 events, such as "Margaret Thatcher became leader of the Conserv..


Dog Breed Match Up
Dog Breed Match Up

This pub quiz handout round lists 15 of the Kennel Club's brief descriptions of dog breeds, such as ..


Famous Backing Singers Match Up
Famous Backing Singers Match Up

This pub quiz handout round lists 15 songs, such as You're So Vain by Carly Simon, Chain Reaction by..


TV Doctors 2
TV Doctors 2

This pub quiz handout round lists 15 fictional doctors from TV, including Dr. Doug Ross, Dr. Martha ..


Football Team Sponsors 2023-24
Football Team Sponsors 2023-24

This pub quiz handout round lists 20 football teams, such as Manchester City, Barcelona and Wrexham...


Showing 1 to 15 of 208 (14 Pages)