Match Up Quizzes

Handout rounds where teams have to pick their answers from a mixed-up list.

Match Up Quizzes
Handout rounds where teams have to pick their answers from a mixed-up list.

Football Team Sponsors 2016-2017
Football Team Sponsors 2016-2017

This pub quiz handout round lists 20 football teams taking part in various leagues throughout Europe..



This pub quiz handout round lists the medical names of 12 bones in the human body, such as "scapula"..


Seaside Town Map
Seaside Town Map

This pub quiz handout round features a map of the United Kingdom, with 15 numbered seaside towns. Th..


Euro 2016 Kits
Euro 2016 Kits

This picture round features images of the home and away shirts of 15 international football teams co..


Element Name Etymologies
Element Name Etymologies

This pub quiz handout round lists 15 things that chemical elements in the periodic table were named ..


Shakespearean Lovers
Shakespearean Lovers

This pub quiz handout round lists 12 pairs of lovers from William Shakespeare plays such as "Orsino ..


First Ladies
First Ladies

This pub quiz handout round lists the first names of 15 First Ladies of the USA, including Barbara, ..



This pub quiz handout round features 10 sets of 3 inventions, with an example set being "Disposable ..


Cricket Umpire Signals
Cricket Umpire Signals

This picture round features illustrations of ten signals an umpire might give in a game of cricket. ..



This pub quiz handout round features the titles of 15 plays, including The Mousetrap, Pygmalion and ..


Culinary Terms
Culinary Terms

This pub quiz handout round features 15 terms used in cooking, such as compote, ganache and foie gra..


Local Radio
Local Radio

This pub quiz handout round lists ten local radio stations, including Radio Aire, Minster FM and Sil..


Football Team Sponsors 2015-2016
Football Team Sponsors 2015-2016

This pub quiz handout round lists 15 football teams taking part in various leagues throughout Europe..


Pasta Match Up
Pasta Match Up

This pub quiz handout round gives the literal meanings of 10 different types of pasta including "lar..


Medical Names
Medical Names

This pub quiz handout round lists the medical names for 15 diseases and conditions, including Rubell..


Showing 61 to 75 of 208 (14 Pages)